Swachh Bharat
Swachh Bharat
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About Us

About Us

As per C & D waste Rules 2016 dated: 29 March 2016, it is mandatory to all C & D waste generator to maintain waste in proper manner and that’s why SMC has given this responsibility to Surat Green Precast Pvt. Ltd. to make Surat Clean.

SGPPL aims to take care of all the present construction and demolition waste of SMC and process the same in a scientific way so as to develop various building products out of it. The plant will have a specialized segregation system, debris handling system, crusher and other required units including a multiple section screening unit. The processed plant will then be used as a raw material for producing wide range of eco and green building materials like brick, paver, blocks, etc. The whole system right from waste receiving to final finished eco‐product would use State of the art technology and will have no adverse impact on the environment. The recycling of construction and demolition waste will help reduce mining for aggregates (like sand and blue metal) and also save the valuable land which is otherwise wasted by mere dumping of waste.

Vision of SGPPL

Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solution to the environmental crisis in construction projects.